African Anton Crone – Namibia Collection – Adorned


Anton Crone’s (Zimbabwean born), story started with a journey through Durban, South Africa, where he studies graphic design and photography, then on to Johannesburg, New York, Oslo and Cape Town working as an art director and creative director in advertising. It took three isolated months in Alaska and Canada, relying on himself and on unexpected human kindness to awaken a calling for travel, people and story telling.


“Upon my return to Africa where journeys through continent reinforced that calling and led me to pursue freelance journalism in 2010. I took over the Editor role at Africa Geographic in 2014, publishing notable features on conservation, culture and wildlife. Along with renowned Safari guide Michael Lorentz, I then launched the travel network, Safarious, connecting travellers and travel operators throughout the continent. And most recently I worked as the Editor of Getaway, South Africa’s oldest travel magazine, where I was afforded the opportunity to relaunch Getaway to a younger, more adventurous audience and commission work for some of the region’s most respected travel and adventure journalists. Along the way I have photographed for the non-profit Operation Smile in various Africa countries, as well as other non-profit organisations.


Throughout this time, my understanding and appreciation of the travel industry, conservation and community development has grown into a deep passion. I have a wealth of experience to draw from as a freelancer, editor and traveller who has Africa at his heart.”